Elevate Your Riding Skills at Our Advanced Motorcycle Performance School

2Fast Performance School schedule at a glance:

7:40am - Complimentary Track Ride Around

8:15am - Mandatory Rider Meeting (for all customers and staff)

8:45am - Performance School Orientation for Students

9:00am - Session One: Relaxation and Fear Management

10:00am - Session Two: What You See & Where You Are Looking

11:00am - Session Three: Scrubbing Speed – The Art of Slowing it All Down

12:00pm - Session Four: Mid-Day Break (No Classroom Session)

1:00pm - Session Five: Powerband Management

2:00pm - Session Six: Body Position / Body Timing

3:00pm - Session Seven: Body Positioning Utilizing the Lean Machine

4:00pm - End of day

We at 2Fast are huge advocates of the Ken Hill Coaching system.
He teaches the order of the sport as:

  1. Bike Placement / Bike Direction
  2. Vision and Focus
  3. Motor Controls – How you use the inputs of the motorcycle
  4. Braking
  5. Tip in Point / Tip in Rate
  6. Body Position / Body Timing

We have re-organized our school curriculum to better match his order of the sport. Ken has over 50 podcasts on his site and 2Fast highly encourages you to listen to them all on a regular basis.

You can find them if you own an apple product under podcasts by searching for Ken Hill Coaching or KHCoaching. They are also available on his website using soundcloud here: 

Track Ride Around - Don't miss our complimentary trade ride
- 7:40am SHARP

From 7:40am to 8:10am
2Fast provides students and first time track day attendees with an introductory ride around of the track in vehicles

 (not motorcycles).

We not only give riders a quick preview of the track, we also give a brief corner-by-corner analysis of the recommended lines around the circuit.

2Fast asks that everyone have completed tech inspection and registration by 7:30am if they wish to participate in the ride-around:
After registration, promptly get to the trucks lined up behind the registration tents by 7:40am. In order to make it to the ride-around on time,
we suggest you get to tech inspection by 7:00am: this means you are in line, your bike is taped up and ready to be inspected at 7:00am.

Mandatory Rider Meeting for All Trackday and School Participants:

From roughly 8:15am to approximately 8:40am,

we gather everyone: students, staff, instructors, and track day riders for a briefing.

During this briefing, 2Fast covers details important to both students and non-students:

Announcements for the Day
2Fast Track Day Rules
(we operate differently than others!)
Discussion on Flags and what to do when you see one
Discussion on Passing Rules in each session (strictly enforced)

Then, at 8:40am we depart the rider meeting: students head to the teaching area for a school orientation while Expert session riders (fastest group) prepare to hit the track at 9:00am sharp.

Dates and Registration

Performance School Orientation

Performance School Orientation for Students:

From approximately 8:45am until 9am, 2Fast students go through an additional briefing in our classroom. We use this time between the rider meeting and our first on-track session to cover critical details we do not want to spend time on during our classroom and on-track sessions. Some of these details are:

  • Instructor Introduction
  • Procedures and format for the day
  • Understanding what the Performance School is…and is not.
  • How to find and get help from our instructors
  • Recommendations on how to maximize your performance school experience

We also discuss the issue of “time management” in our orientation: every student is expected to hustle off of the track at the end of each session, park their bike, remove helmet and gloves, and get back to the classroom as quickly as they can. Each new class segment begins roughly 2 minutes after an on-track session has finished – so there’s very little time to waste. Therefore, we ask students and instructors to hustle onto the track – and off – with each new session so we can maximize our teaching time.

Performance School Sessions

At 9am, as our first group of riders (Expert) hit the track for a twenty minute session, the 2Fast classroom teaches the following to students (Relaxed Level 100 and Intermediate Level 200 both):

Session One: Relaxation and Fear Management

From 9am until 9:30am, students will be taught relaxation techniques that allow the rider to become smoother with their motions, more fluid in their riding, and more controlled on/off the track. Learning to breathe, learning to relax the hands, arms, and body, and limiting how hard you push are discussion topics of this session. Also a discussion on what to do when things go wrong, helping you as a rider to regain composure, to continue your riding experience.

  • Fear & Stress, and How They’re Different from PANIC
  • What to Do When Things Go Wrong
  • What Not to Do When Things Go Wrong
  • Reprogramming: How to Train the Mind to React Correctly when Fearful Situations Occur

With the 200 Intermediate riders heading out on track at 9:20am, we continue to teach our curriculum and save the last 5 minutes in the performance school as our “Q&A Period.” Roughly from 9:30am to 9:35am. Then, upon the time the Intermediate Level 200 on-track session ends, Relaxed Level 100 students hit the track (9:40am – 10am) for their own on-track session. This classroom/on-track/Q&A format will repeat itself with each session throughout the day. Again, we will be timing our sessions and starting each session quickly and promptly, so students are asked to waste no time between on-track sessions and making it back to the classroom. Take roughly 5 minutes to debrief with your on-track instructor after the session, then get back to the classroom, as Mark will be starting the next session at roughly 5 minutes after the hour. Our goal is to give students the greatest amount of teaching time possible: therefore, we ask for everyone’s cooperation in hustling back to the classroom promptly.

Session Two: Vision & Passing – What you see and where you’re looking while on the track. How to make a safe pass!

From 10:00 am until 10:30 pm, the 2Fast classroom discusses what types of things you’re noticing on track, what you should be paying attention to and to take it all in to help you become a life long rider. We do spend a good portion of the classroom time on executing a safe pass. What kinds of mental things you should be considering when making a pass, and finally, how to make a proper pass at the track:

  • Where Your Eyes Should Be
  • Looking Through Riders
  • How to Use Your Peripheral Vision
  • Scanning for Potential Hazards and Flags
  • Learning this sport is very much similar to playing chess, but on a motorcycle, we are doing it at speed. So stay in your mental faculties
  • How to be assertive and decisive when making a pass

Session Three: Scrubbing Speed – The art of slowing it all down

From 11:00am to 11:30am, students are now becoming familiar with the track, the lines around the track, and the improvements in body positioning that we have been illustrating for them. We now move to a discussion on proper braking techniques.

  • Front Brakes vs Rear Brakes
  • Smooth Technique
  • Various Braking Zones
  • Trail Braking
  • Engine Braking
  • Controlling Wheel Hop

From 12:00 noon to 12:30pm, we offer this break for those that need or want a little rest, want to hang out with their friends for a bit, grab a bite to eat, etc. We do not stop our on-track sessions for lunch… we ride all day long!

Session Five: Powerband Management – More than just on the gas

From 1pm until 1:30pm, we next discuss one of the most abused and misused controls on a bike:

  • Techniques for Proper Acceleration
  • Proper Use of Each Bike’s Powerband
  • Shifting Technique
  • Mid-Corner Throttle and its Importance to Steering

Session Six: Body Positioning Utilizing the Lean Machine

  • Fitting the Bike to the Rider: Like a car with its adjustable seat positioning, a rider can make his/her motorcycle more comfortable… which tends to promote relaxation while riding. Learn how to make your motorcycle fit you properly so that you can be comfortable, which is an important part of learning how to ride relaxed.
  • Body Positioning: Brian and Mark use the Lean Machine to illustrate proper body positioning. The purpose of this session is to give students a clear picture of the body and how its position changes as a rider enters, apexes, and exits a corner.
  • Relaxing on the Bike: How to relax while maintaining proper body position, and why you need to relax in order to operate the bike properly. Examples include breathing techniques, removal of the “DeathGrip”, and more.

Session Seven: Getting students on the Lean Machine to actually try Body Positioning Techniques

From 3 pm until 3:30 pm, the 2Fast classroom will take people and actually put them on a bike that is stationary, or is mounted on the lean machine, to work on the Body Positioning Techniques

  • Straights Position
  • Setup Position
  • Mid Corner Position
  • Exit “The Move” Position
  • We discuss how these are just 4 snap shots in time of how you move through the whole Body Positioning paradigm
  • When and where to perform these body positions (body timing)
  • Little tricks and techniques to help you obtain this solid Body Position

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